For the final exam in my Communication Applications class, our class was basically made to run like a business. We used Zoo Tycoon as a basis for the project, and had various departments that kept up with all of the different aspects of the "game". I was chosen as the head of the Human Resources department, and my team was composed of two other girls. One, Georgianna, had always given me the impression that she didn't care much for school, as she was gone on a fairly regular basis. The other, Fatou, spoke very limited English (French is her native tongue), and was very shy and quiet. With my rag-tag "team", we attempted to swallow the tasks at hand. As the HR department, we were required to create an employee evaluation policy, employee incentives, a management/staffing chart, and, basically control everything having to do with out fictional employees. Let me tell you, it was far from easy. After roughly two weeks, our final presentation was to take place. This would be in front of a "board of directors", and all members of the departments were required to speak.
As our deadline approached, I started panicking. I felt fairly confident in my abilities to impress the directors, but I was worried about my group most of all. Monday, Madame Torres (my former French teacher) told me that Fatou had asked if we could get together and work on the project during my student-aide period. During my aide period, I sit and talk with Madame, and don't do much "aiding", for the most part. By Monday, I had already finished most of what needed to be done for the project, so I told Madame that Fatou and I didn't really have anything to work on. Basically, I blew Fatou off. When my CommApps class rolled around, everyone was rushing around to get things done. Fatou came over and asked if she could talk to me. I was a little confused, but I said that, sure, we could talk. She pulled me into the hallway and began telling me that she had wanted to get together during my aide period because she was really having a hard time understanding the project. Instantly, I felt like a complete ass. If I had only known that she really needed my help, I would have worked with her.
Today, Wednesday, she came into Madame's room during my aide period. I sat down with her and outlined everything that she needed to say. She was so nervous about speaking in front of everyone, because her English isn't as good as she feels it should be. I helped her make notecards that told her everything she needed to know and wished her luck. When it came time for the presentation, our "board of directors" failed to show up, so we presented to an empty lecture hall. My portion of the speech went fine. Georgianna went next, and completely impressed me. She was so on top of...everything. I was felling really good about the whole thing by this point. Lastly, Fatou approached the podium and nervously gripped her note cards. She spoke conscisely, but said everything that was needed. I was so happy for her. She had done very well, considering the situation.
A few hours ago, I picked up my cell phone; I had a new text message. Figuring it was from Max (my boyfriend), I flipped open the phone casually, hardly paying attention to the screen. What came up surprised me. It was a short text message, but it flipped my head around in so many ways that I could hardly contain myself.
"Hey kandall thans fr helping me fatou"
I suppose it's silly to let something so small affect me like this, but I can't help it. I mean, I must have really made her feel good about herself if she she took the time to thank me. She didn't even spell my name correctly, but, hell, this little text message has changed my perspective on everything. Fatou is such a genuinely sweet person. She works so hard in order to learn. She takes time out of her social life to practice her English. She has inspired me in so many ways that I can hardly explain them. I just know that I'm going to take a little more time out of my schedule to slip in an extra "hello" or to make sure she understands what she is required to learn.
I swear to God, I'm on a karma high.